Make Money on eBay - A Great Part Time Opportunity


eBay presents an almost perfect work from home opportunity for many entrepreneurs. You can make money on eBay to supplement a full time job, it is great for stay at home moms and what an opportunity for retirees. In fact many of eBays full time sellers today started as part time sellers when they first entered the eBay marketplace.

Unlike many business opportunities you can make money on eBay from almost anywhere. It doesnt matter whether you live in downtown New York City or the remote reaches of Montana, there is an opportunity for success.

You can make money on eBay no matter who you are. It doesnt matter whether you are just out of school or retired. It doesnt matter whether you have a high school diploma or a college degree. The eBay opportunity is equal for all.

One of the real advantages to an eBay business is that you have a huge number of ready, willing and able prospective buyers just waiting. You can make money on eBay without many of the traffic generation challenges that come with other online businesses. Your initial challenge is finding the right products and then just getting that existing traffic to come to your listings. As you gain experience you can learn more sophisticated traffic strategies to make even more sales.

Give eBay a try. You can simply register as a buyer and learn the ropes while you start to develop a solid positive feedback record. After making a few purchases the next step is to register as a seller. Make a few sales and you will soon know the basics of sales. From there you can decide if the opportunity to make money on eBay is right for you.

To Your eBay Success!

Bob Hamilton is an entrepreneur, writer and consultant. Bob sold his brick and mortor store to sell on eBay and has been helping others to get started on eBay ever since.

If Money Matters


True enough, a wedding is the most difficult event to plan and prepare for. And it gets even more challenging if the budget is tight. But don't fret, we have come up with some tips to help you stay on track money-wise.

1. Limit your invites to the most important people in your life. Less guests less expenses.

2. The venue eats up a huge percentage of the budget so be wise and practical when selecting your venue. If possible, have both the ceremony and the reception in one place to minimize your cost.

3. Resist the urge to pick foods that are costly i.e. lobsters, steaks. You can still impress your guests with less expensive food.

4. Keep your invitation simple. If you have the time or extra helping hands, you may even want to consider making the invitation yourself. You can get wedding invitation kits from wedding supply stores or even your local craft store.

5. When decorating the venue, keep the use of flowers to a minimum. They are costly. Use candles (they go a long way when it comes to giving life to a venue), tulles and ribbons as substitutes.

6. While it is nice to be entertained by a live band, recorded music will do just fine.

7. Forget about hiring an emcee. Ask a family member or a friend to emcee instead.

8. Ask yourself if you really want your wedding on a film. Will you spend some time after the wedding to watch it? Or will the video end up in your grandmother's chest in the attic?

9. Opt for a less extravagant cake. Get a 2-tiered cake instead of a 4- or 3-tiered cake. Another option is mini cakes arranged in a layered cake rack.

10. Limit the champagne to the toast. Instead of wine, serve less expensive drinks.

11. Forget about hiring a wedding planner. You can still get the job done with the help of family members and friends.

12. Instead of hiring a limousine, look for alternative means of transport i.e. a friend's Bentley, your fathers Mercedes.

13. Always haggle for a lower price with the vendors. Since they expect some negotiations to happen, they would most often give a quote that is higher than what they are willing to accept.

Johanna Docena is the owner of Docena Bridal, an online wedding store that sells bridal jewelry, wedding attendant gifts and wedding accessories. Visit us at

Many people are looking at the internet as a way of earning an additional part-time or even full-time income. It can be a good idea but with millions of available options, and websites proclaiming to have the answers to questions you have not even thought of, where do you start ? This article will offer you advice that will at least get you started in the right direction.

You are probably reading this article for only a couple of reasons:

1. You do not currently make enough money and need to make more money on a part-time basis without compromising your full-time job. You do not have a lot of time available to make more money.

2. You are not happy in your job or do not like working for a boss. You are looking for an alternative way of earning money, preferably full-time but with something that you can start on a part-time basis. 3. You are already trying to make more money and have tried many different business opportunities but with no or very little success. You realize you need help.

If you can associate with one or more of the above-mentioned reasons for reading this article then please continue reading.

There are millions of people all over the world that do not like what they are doing for a living. Maybe it is the job itself, a rude boss, or not earning enough money to have a decent standard of living. Whatever the reason(s), most people find it very difficult to make a new start.

We are all creatures of habit that dislike change and value safety and security. Starting a business often takes us outside our comfort-zone. We need to build our confidence, not only in ourselves but also in any new opportunity that we are considering.

This can be achieved by:

- Learning as much as possible about any new opportunity.

- Having the possibility of doing it on a part-time basis as a trial to see whether it is any good.

- Spending as little money as possible on any new business opportunity. You don't want to add more stress to your life by spending lots of money (that you can't afford to spend) on things that may not work at all.

Many people consider the Internet as the ideal way of making more money. I agree with them. Problem is that most people actually lose more money on the Internet than make money. There are millions and millions of ecommerce websites on the Internet and it is estimated that at least 95% of these websites are losing money every month!

Why do I like to do business on the Internet?

a. It allows me to have an international business, potentially reaching many millions of people all over the world.

b. Like most people I do not enjoy face-to-face selling. With the Internet there is no need for face-to-face selling. No fear of being rejected by customers or insulted by people having a bad-hair-day.

c. I can make money 24 hours a day. Even while sleeping someone can be buying a product or service on my website.

d. I can run my business from anywhere in the world, as long as I have a computer and access to the Internet.

e. Once my business is setup it basically runs on autopilot. That does not mean I do not need to work on it. It means I do not have to spend eight hours every day working on it. One or two hours should be sufficient.

f. It allows me to have my own business with unlimited earning potential. Whatever I put in I can get out. The sky is the limit and I am not working to make my boss or company rich.

Fact of the matter is that it is becoming more and more difficult to ignore the massive ecommerce potential of the Internet. Whether you are selling products or services online or have any other type of business, you need the Internet to promote your business as more and more consumers are doing online searches to find what they are looking for. Does not matter if you are a plumber or an electrician, you will need the Internet more and more in the future to promote your business.

O.K. We have established that the Internet offers us a huge potential to make more money, part-time or full-time. We have also established that most people are not actually making any money from the Internet.

Where do we start?

We start by learning as much as possible at our own pace without forcing anything. Remember that knowledge is power!

I recommend that before you do anything on the Internet that you join a suitable company as an affiliate or join a network marketing company. The point is not whether you want to pursue a

long-term career as an affiliate. The important point is that you can join most affiliate programs for free and receive very valuable information and training for free. In addition, you can actually make a lot of money while learning! This, in my opinion, is the best, safest and easiest way to start.

Many companies that offer affiliate programs do their best to offer their affiliates as much training and support as possible. Why? It is in their best interest. The better advice, training and support they give you the more money you will make for them.

Remember that as an affiliate you do not need to buy or sell anything. You only need to get people to promote the company you are an affiliate of. All sales resulting in your referral will earn you a very nice commission, normally anything between 20% and 50% of the sales price. That is not bad at all! Many companies will even give you a free affiliate website that you can promote.

What is the catch?

The catch is that it is not always easy to promote a certain product or service. People do not automatically visit your affiliate website. This is where the training comes in. If you can succeed as an affiliate for a company you can succeed with your own Internet business in the future. There will be no need to pay expensive school fees.

To your success !

Francois du Toit is the owner of, a website designed to help new entrepreneurs succeed by evaluating various online and offline business opportunities, affiliate programs and network marketing options. The website also offers free articles and tools that will assist webmasters in building profitable websites.

Most homeowners are energy conscious and would like to do more but the cost of installing energy saving items can be prohibitive. If your boiler is inefficient and you need to replace it with a more efficient system, it could cost you thousands of pounds.

In addition domestic wind turbines, solar panels and ground source heat pumps are expensive and take over ten years to recover your investment. Most homeowners are keen to introduce changes but are trapped by rising costs. With rising fuel cost, homeowners are likely to turn their heating down to save money. This could see the return of hypothermia amongst the elderly this winter.

There is a very effective way to save money and improve the efficiency of your boiler without excessive cost. Attach a magnet to the fuel feed pipe of your central heating burner and you immediately improve combustion. A good magnet cost 65 plus postage but the benefits are enormous and long lasting.

The magnet conditions the gas or oil allowing it to mix better with air. The combustion is, therefore, improved. With better combustion, more energy is produced for the same fuel. If you are contemplating changing your boiler because it is inefficient or old, attach a magnet first and notice the excellent savings you will make. The more inefficient your boiler the more you save because the magnet will improve combustion to as near to 100% as you can get.

With improved combustion, the burner will need less servicing. In time the magnet will gradually clean the burner of deposited soot. Your service engineer may ask you if you used the burner since last serviced because it will be so clean. Your burner will last longer.

You save money on your domestic fuel bills, your maintenance and prolong the life of your boiler.

With Climate change a major issue, the magnet by providing a cleaner burn, will reduce harmful emission from your burner. This will be an important problem in time as governments tighten emission from domestic central heating systems. A magnet will help you comply with future changes in emission laws.

Even though you are still using fossil fuel, by attaching a magnet you are making efficient use of it.

In the past magnets were large and heavy but with new alloys, magnets are small, light and more powerful. A neodymium magnet of say 8000 gauss weigh 20 gms while the comparable Alnico magnet weighs 90 Kg. A neodymium magnet retains its magnetic properties for 100 years.

Magnets are easy to fit. Just identify the fuel pipe leading to the burner then attach to this pipe by straps and simply forget about it. The next thing you will do is turn the setting of your central heating system down because your home and your water will be hotter at that setting.

Magnets do not need maintenance. It will continue to be effective and when you move house, just remove it and attach it to the boiler in your new home.

With rising fuel cost, it makes sense to attach a magnet to your boiler this winter. You will recover your cost in no time.

If your grandparents or parents are likely to be affected this winter by the rising fuel cost, why dont you fit a magnet for them as a winter warmer present? Isnt it nice to know that they will turn the setting of their heating system down not to save money but because it is too hot?

Copyright 2006 Dr Phil Hariram

Dr.Phil Hariram is an Independent Ecoflow Distributor. He has cut his monthly direct debit heating bill for Calorgas(LPG) by 110% by attaching a Thermoflow magnet manufactured by Ecoflow, a innovative company that patented Central Reverse Polarity in magnets.

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